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Hyundai Tucson Saves Couple From A Massive Rockfall

May 29, 2019
Hualien, a city in eastern Taiwan was drenched in heavy rainfall on the evening of 24th May. A couple on their Hyundai Tucson was on the receiving end of a horrifying rockfall triggered by the rain. A giant rock speculated to be around 5 tons came hurling down and hit the unlucky couple. Fortunately, the rock wasn't able to cause fatality as the Hyundai Tucson absorbed the blow, miraculously saving the driver and his wife with only minor injuries. The couple owing their lives to the Hyundai Tucson expressed their gratitude to the company and are looking to buy another Hyundai soon.The reason behind Hyundai Tucson's save was the integration of AHSS, Advanced High-Strength Steel in the vehicle body. The Hyundai Tucson is targeted to achieve best in class body rigidity through the expanded use of  AHSS and structural adhesives. The coverage of the AHSS has increased from 18% to 51%. This increment allows for a more rigid body structure that enhances handling, performance, and safety without adding weight.The structural connections in the body have also been straightened to help disperse the collision energy better for added protection and safety. Apart from this, the Hyundai Tucson comes with a long list of safety features that just goes to show how deeply the company cares for the safety of their customers.

Published Date: 2019-05-29 15:00:53
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